GPS products, Motor Headsets & Robot vacuum cleaners.

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Currently there are five Roomba's available in the Netherlands. These are the iRobot Roomba 531, 534, 555, 564 PET, 581, 770 and 780. The big difference between these robot vacuumcleaners is that the 555, 564 PET and 581has an extra timer and one or more intelligent virtual wall units (the 581 has Virtual Wall Lighthouses for multi-room functionality). With the timer you can program them to start cleaning on every day of the week. That way he will automaticaly start doing his job when you wanthim to. New are the 770 and 780. They are the improved versions of the 5 series.
New is are the iRobot Scooba 390 and 230 floor cleaning robot. It has been added to the dutch iRobot repository in end of 2011.
If you experience problems withyour iRobot please contact us. You can also report your problem online with the Dutch ServiceCenter or you can phone them on: 010 - 7131884. The ServiceCenter is also the one that performs the repairs (if thats needed). You can also see if a RESET helps. Just press SPOT and DOCK together for 10 seconds and next that place the Roomba on its charging station.